The act of acceptance and submission to God's Will, no matter how painful it will be, brings glory not only to yourself but to the Lord Himself.
Betrayal done by a friend can be most hurting and could lead to a troubled spirit. Even the Lord had experienced this when He was betrayed by Judas who is one of His most trusted friends (Jn 13:21-26). But Jesus did not focus on the hurt, He was more focused on the prize or outcome of such betrayal, and that is to be Glorified by God the Father Himself!Glory comes after passing through your most trying times. How can you emerge victorious if you don't go into battle? How can you pass your tests and exams if you don't give serious time to review? How can you attain your desires for richness and abundance if you do not work for them?
"What you are going to do, do quickly" says the Lord to Judas. Jesus allowed the action to begin as it is the road towards His glory. He did not allow others to know the betrayal of His friend except for John who had the guts to ask.The time has come for Christ to be glorified in you. Take up your cross and follow Him for only through Him can you attain the glory that awaits in Christ Jesus.
Lord, I give praise and glory to your Name, knowing and believing in faith that only with you, in you, and through you can I ever attain the desires of my heart. You alone are my hope for glory as I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.
March 26, 2013, 8:10 AM